من نحن

نبذة عن أكاديمية فولت للتدريب Volt Training Academy is considered to be one of the largest academies in the region, it was established to provide the labor market with highly skilled and professionally trained individuals in the Hybrid / Electric Vehicles field. It is specialized in technical training, distinguished by focusing on closing the gap between theoretical and practical training. The Academy owns a huge fleet of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles to use for the training purposes, It also has magnificent labs. The Academy staff is considered to be one of the best in the country for their expertise in maintaining the Hybrid / Electric Vehicles. The Academy has designed its training diploma curriculum to meet the world wide criteria.

رؤيتنا Creativity in Vocational and Technical Training serves as a hallmark of excellence, fostering the development of highly skilled professionals in the technical and engineering fields.

مهمتنا In the our training process, we emphasize the integration of scientific principles and practical experience, adhering to the highest quality standards. We utilize the most effective educational tools and methods, delivered by qualified instructors with specialized knowledge and extensive experience. Our ongoing commitment to incorporating the latest technologies ensures excellence in training, helping to cultivate a future generation distinguished by high professionalism.

الجمهور المستهدف في البرامج التدريبية
1. Unemployed individuals
2. Students of engineering faculty
3. Civil defense members 
4. Trainee in the educational field
من الأفراد في المؤسسات الحكومية. 

أهدافنا Enhancing community awareness of ongoing technological advancements in automotive maintenance, we aim to support a broad audience in Jordan and the Arab region in achieving their goals through our training programs. Our commitment to local and regional leadership in engineering and technical fields drives us to stay current with industry developments and leverage unique expertise to deliver exceptional training services.


إنجازاتنا تقوم أكاديمية فولت بتزويد سوق العمل بكفاءات مؤهلة تأهيلاً عالياً؛ حيث قامت بتدريب أكثر من 5000 فرد خلال السنوات الخمس الماضية من مختلف البلدان والجنسيات Volt Academy has created training materials, topics and books to provide Training candidates with the latest information in the Hybrid / Electric Vehicles field.لقد لعبت أكاديمية فولت دورًا حيويًا في المجتمع من خلال تنظيم عدد من ورش العمل للتركيز على تدريب الموظفين في المنظمات المحلية مثل منظمة نهر الأردن، ومديرية الدفاع المدني، والجامعات، لزيادة الوعي والمعرفة بين أفراد المجتمع.


متدربو الأكاديمية

عدد الطلاب الذيت تم تدريبهم
عدد الطلاب الذين تم توظيفهم
عدد الطلاب الذين حصلوا على مزاولة مهنة

معتمدون لدى
