We invite you to participate with us in developing innovative solutions and achieving shared success through effective teamwork and mutual support solutions Your name. Your email. Phone NO. Company Name. What is the company's line of business?. Your Position in the Company. Required services. Obtaining a franchise for one of the Volt Academy branches.Obtain training curricula for electric and hybrid cars.Obtaining advice and support by establishing a training center.Obtaining Volt Academy certificates and accreditations.Automotive training of trainers (TOT) courses.Training groups of electric and hybrid vehicle technicians and engineers.Contracting with trainers specialized in this field.Training through recorded or online courses.Equipping garages and maintenance centers specialized in electric and hybrid vehicles.Supply of diagnostic devices and equipment specifically for modern vehicles. Other required services? Are you interested in obtaining a feasibility study? YesNo Upload related documents. (Company's CV،Economic feasibility study And any other related documents)